Every day, the website brings you the best deals available on the hottest items on the Internet. We verify that each deal is valid, the lowest total price we could find, and from a reputable retailer. Then and only then do we post it for you. We take getting a bargain seriously, and then share what we find with you.

We've since grown to include a large professional writing and editing staff, numerous web-savvy engineers and designers, and more. However, the core reason for what we do hasn't changed. We love getting a great deal on really cool stuff, and we want to share.

Every deal we list is the lowest price we could find, sold by a reputable store.

Implicit in our guarantee:

We list the best deals period, regardless of our relationship with the seller.
We ban any store that we find has a history of poor customer service.
We never list a higher price from another store just because it is an advertiser.
At the website, we do not claim to work without influence of advertisers. For example, it is critical that we work with our advertisers to craft deals for our readers.

But our philosophy is to report deals with the highest standards of quality and ethics. the ilynbrna.com is the only online shopping site we know of with an editorial guarantee, which we believe is why over 95% of the website' readers trust us more than any other online shopping site.